
4 米軍基地立ち入りパスコピーJapanese Religious and Sacred Area E山yArea Entry Form Facilities Engineer Division, Public Works Branch, Real Estate Section To: Provost Marshal 〈付録6)11011 14C/500 7 Aug 98 1. Personnel 8:Ild vehicle listed in p紅乱graphs2a and 2b訂eau也orizedぬen旬:fthe circled locations of paragraph 3 on.-2August .1998 during the hours ~000 -1500 2. Personnel authorized for en位y.a. Name Higa, Atsuko. and 11 other (See attached) PhoneNo. 933-1665 Name b.. VehicleNo. OK工NAWA44 WA 18-37 3. J apanese Religious and Sacred Area Locations on USMC Cam.p Butler. a. Narukawa Adjacent to building #410此Cam.pLester b. Hinokan Adjacent to bui1ding #6237 at Cam.p Lester c. Chatan Choroyam.a . Adjacent to bui1ding #205拭Cam.pFoster d. Aniyagusuku Adjacent to building #1132 at Cam.p Foster e. Chat姐伊印刷Adjacent to build勾350拭Ca皿pFoster f. Futukiabu (Ut凶嘘u)Adjacent to bui1d均#633at Cam.p Foster g. Hiruz組Adjacentto build時#840at Cam.p Foster h. Reikamori Adjacentωbuilding #4419拭Cam.pCourtney i. Kushimori Adjacent build均#4435at Cam.p Courtney j. Others (tomb, former tomb組dhome sites, etc.) 4. The point of contact is the Real Estate Director at 645・3035.告縦ψ動zrrFaci1ities Engineer MCB, C回lpSmedley D. But1er -220-PhoneNo.

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